Friday, September 12, 2008

(Because 3 isn't enough???)
Special thanks to Stephanie R for helping me find her. As I read through her history, I have nearly peed 7 times-but when I got to this post, I audibly gasped!! If you recall this post outed me as such an oddball I made Jason's single sentence soup post. To know someone else out there has this same un-named disease is a comfort, let me tell you!! Go read her history-especially this story. Make sure you pee first though...and maybe you shouldn't have any drinks around either.

Now to catch you up a bit on all that is exciting around here, bullets!!!
  • The above picture shows that pool season is now over. No more washing load after load of towels and still finding the towel shelf bare. No more water tracked all through the house in the form of little dirty footprints. No more neighbors who magically appear in swimsuits the moment my toe hits the water. I love to see it turn into pool season and I am just as happy to see it go. The kids love their tent and new sandbox so much. The tent (pool cover) will be put away soon, but the sandbox lasts until pool season comes around again.
  • I forgot how much sand little feet can track through my laundry room. Now laundry really brings out the gritty in me.
  • Daisy LOVES being quarantined. LOVES IT!! She has always wanted to be a housedog. She may make a habit of biting elderly neighbors. We have to keep her in chew toys which may bankrupt us. They only last a day. She does HATE the crate though. We are so thankful to still have her that we love on her all the time. Can you say spoiled rotten?
  • I fell off the diet wagon and have bumped my head so hard I have a concussion. However, I have only gained a couple of pounds back. Climbing back on a wagon is SOOOOO hard!
  • The little crab sandbox is Daisy's pool/water dish. She looooooves water. We took her swimming Monday and she was the cutest thing ever. She fetches stick from the lake like nobody's business. She even puts her head under water. Adorable.
  • Gotta go, Daisy is trying to chew everything in sight. She doesn't like to be alone.

1 comment:

Jason, as himself said...

Finally, someone who thinks about roadkill as much as you. You're like soul mates. Kindred spirits. Your the ying to her yang.

Okay, I'll stop.
