Wednesday, June 25, 2008

We-Lax Wednesday

Today, we are chillin' in the crib. Since our budget is low for this trip, our entertainment takes the form of swimming and TV. This is quite a treat for us because we only have channels 2-14 at home. The learning channel, history channel, discovery channel and of course, the DISNEY channel are filling our days with much excitement. I just watched the show"What Not To Wear" and the girl was my exact body type and it was wonderful for me to see it. I was pleased that alot of the fashion advice they gave, I already follow but I learned ALOT. The hardest thing was that my mom was right about something. She has told me my entire life that horizontal stripes should NEVER be worn by "big" girls. Of course, that made me want to wear them even more. This show backs her completely. Apparently horizontal stripes say, "Look how big around I am!!" I agree, now. I'm not sure I have alot of them-but what I do have will be going to the cast-off pile.

We are going home earlier than we expected and I am totally okay with it. I really needed a break and we have had fun but I miss home. The house is getting more where I want it to be and it makes me enjoy it more. I can't wait until the day I have our decluttering completed. And our painting. We (mostly me) have put it off far too long. I hate painting-so each project stretches out forever!! I should just block off the time and DO IT ALREADY!! I have not missed cooking and cleaning though. Not one little bit. I will be going home to a clean house and an empty fridge, almost empty cupboards, but a still pretty well-stocked freezer. I am getting back on the menu planning wagon. That is what I am working on today...and my grocery list. Yes, I am a nerd to the core. An organizing nerd.

So, that is my post for today, a meandering rambly post indeed. Have a wonderful Wednesday.


Hula Girl at Heart said...

Okay, we need to talk about this organizational thing you have going on. It's starting to make some of us look bad.

Stephanie said...

You have been missed - see you Sunday!