Sunday, December 09, 2007

Rainy Days and Bad Moods

We have had so much rain so many days all in a row. It is definitely impacting my mood. I hate being moody. I wish I knew how to change it. God gave me Lilly so I could understand myself better, I think. She is too intense, like her momma. We come on strong, feel strong and both drive Erik crazy. He does not believe in feelings-at least not the way we do. He doesn't even have any way to prepare for the whirlwind of emotions coming his way in the next few years.

Sorry for the short somewhat whiny post. I am not in a happy place today.


Jason, as himself said...

Oh, God help you all. Those hormones really and work a number on adolescent girls and their families. (Speaking from plenty of experience!)

I'm sorry you're having a bad day. You'll get through it. It's okay to have bad days. Remember? You're human.

jettybetty said...

Hope you are feeling a bit better by now??? I've had some hard days lately, too--so I went and chased rainbows. ;-)

Mia said...

nothing a little gingerbread house couldn't cure....or make miserably worse!!! ; )