Saturday, December 15, 2007

Find out who you should vote for!!

This is a very neat way to see who stands with you on YOUR issues. It was very interesting to see who this quiz matched me up with, although not really surprising. Nor was it surprising to see how low down the list Hilary was. It was surprising that Obama was right about 50% compatible with my interests. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

You might just be surprised. I did it a few weeks ago and it said Romney was my man. Say what!? :-)

Have a Merry Christmas and all the best to you!

Sandy said...

Interesting! Mitt Romney, which isn't surprising. I did notice that this site's explanation of issues was somewhat biased.

Jason, as himself said...

While I thoroughly expected Hillary to be at the top of my list, Obama was an 82% match, with Hilary at 70%. Romney was a 50% match, which I didn't expect. I guess it must link back to that Mormon upbringing of mine!

Interesting little quiz!