Thursday, February 15, 2007

And again today, I say WOW! Our church started a new forum and is giving it a test run. I think it has failed the test largely due I have never felt more misunderstood and misinterpreted in all of my life. I think God may be using all of this to show me just how impossible life is with me, so I will have more compassion for my "man of few words" husband. I am tempted to become a woman of few words, but I guess we all know how impossible that is.

I will not, however, be quite so free with my feelings or comments anymore. I think I have edited out all of my "hurtful" posts...I hope. Churches are frustrating entities. I have been called and had to call, gotten emails. Oh well, I am totally cashing in on the time invested in these things and putting them on my excuses for why my house looks like the trash man dumped his garbage load exaggeration-but close.

I am also going to pray without ceasing for God to build my character into what his plan for me is. I feel things so passionately, my skin is thin, my heart is soft and open and yet I hurt people all the time with my thoughlessness. What gives???? I am a walking talking oxymoron.


It is fun to be me. I think I have time for one more load. (of laundry)

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