Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Random and Odd...

When I was 20 1/2 I was a bartender in a bar attached to a very upscale restaurant. I made at least one old fashioned a day, martinis (I know how to do shaken, not stirred), pink squirrels. I know what "neat" means but I will tell you like I tell my kids, "If I tell you, you will forget and ask again. If you look it up, you will always remember." Then Kayla says "Moooooo-oooM" in her whiney voice.

I loved tending bar, I made minimum wage plus tips. Good money and in an upscale bar, no problem children. Part of the reason my husband thought I was a keeper was my ability to cook really good food and make him blue margaritas.


Anonymous said...

Oh I love blue margaritas !!

Anonymous said...

I've never had a blue margarita. I'll take a B-52, though, and keep 'em comin' . . .
; )