Friday, September 08, 2006

Countdown to departure...

My house is somewhat clean with a few piles around the perimeters of rooms for storage or eventual discard(does anyone else do that??) My husband DESPISES IT!! I am a piles person. If I put it away somewhere that is not it's "HOME" I know it will be lost forever. Since not all our things have been assigned "HOMES" yet(and we've been here 6 years!!), it is very annoying to see all the things in piles. If someone knows a better way, let me hear it!! Some piles are just paper, there is also a give-away pile, consignment pile and several toys-to-go-through piles.

Anyway, house mostly clean, laundry is two loads away from done(one in the dryer, one still washing). I want to leave the house in fine shape so dear hubby can enjoy his personal home time between jobs!! He is playing gigs and packing mail all weekend. He works hard for the money... Hopefully he can watch a movie or have a nap in his peaceful home. OR BLOG...hee hee. And desperately miss me since I will be so far out in nature cell phones don't work(I will still have it though if you want to try though, honey!!). Looking forward to some time alone with God as well as enjoying God's land. LBL. Oh and I guess there will probably be some stuff to learn and people, but I intend to enjoy myself despite that...hee hee.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!! I can't get over all the fun stuff going on tonight!! Never again will there be so many options in our fair town on a Friday night!! Ice cream festival-murray, museum story hour, birthday party, carshow downtown, church trip...I don't feel guilty though because the pox cancelled all those options anyway. SOOOO, I get to be with nature and my kids spend the night with the coolest babysitter on Earth. Seriously, they love my friend Kathy and beg us to date more. AND, Erik drums tonight with no guilt(not sure there ever is but...)of time missed with me. Win-win-win-win-win.

I am outta here...well pretty soon anyway!


Jacinda said...

Have a great time and learn something new!

Anonymous said...

I have a major paper clutter problem too. I just don't know how to fix it! I think it's hereditary...I got it from my father, maybe you have someone in your family you could blame it on??

Susie said...

Hope you had a really nice trip. : )