Thursday, August 03, 2006

School started today and it was a good day. I am glad to have it over and done. Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart. I love my children and I love teaching them, but some aspects are just not fun. The number one issue we have is that I am not a "teacher"-defined as a stranger one tries to impress all year. All three of my girls have honest-to-goodness "teacher's pet" in their blood. They get it honest. When I think of school, regardless of the grade, I think of the teacher and incidents that happened with teachers first. I don't know what we studied in fourth grade, but our teacher, Mrs. Butler, read us lots of books and poetry. I love her still. I love every teacher I had, well there are about 5 that should really have pursued other career paths in my opinion, but I was a brown-nosin' teacher's pet and I loved it. You are so surprised I know!! One of my college professors gave me a "C" in a class I should totally have flunked. We hung out and talked before class about politics and everything else under the sun. He overlooked my lousy performance and told me not to worry I had a good solid "C" in class. I did not ask any questions because I was on my own, working 2 jobs, AND carrying 15 hours. Color me grateful. I am mildly ashamed, not really.

My pulse quickens and I get a big goofy grin on my face when I run into a teacher from my school career. The grin is even bigger and goofier when they remember me too. Some of them are friends of mine as a grown-up-but I still call them Mrs. Cope, Mrs. Nelson, and Mr. Wright. I tried really hard to call Mr. Wright, Eddy, but I just felt like a little kid trying to sound grown-up.

I DIGRESS, as always!! SO, all of that to say, my kids want to impress me of course, I have alot of power in their lives. But are they frantically trying to "WOW" me with their carefully labored over schoolwork? NO!! "Here Mom, am I done yet?" "Is this good enough?" "Do I have to do ALL of them?" I never should have sent them to public school. EVAH!! But I did and this is the consequence. Lilly on the other hand finds me totally amazing and LIVES to impress me with her super-skills. The girl is five and she can add. and subtract. She also knows all the sounds the letters make. When reading clicks for her, there will be no stopping this kid!!

I hope the new emphasis on developing Godly character helps all of us. We could sure "esteem one another more highly than ourselves" around here-myself included! I am looking forward to DAY 2 tomorrow and mostly the weekend!!


Jacinda said...

I hope it all goes well for you! :-)

Julie Anne said...

You're right girl, homeschooling is not for the faint of heart. And faint-of-heart YOU are not. Prayers to you for a hard-working, joyful, fruitful, satisfying, learning-from-every-moment school year!!