Thursday, August 05, 2010

Make My Day

Go ahead, Punk.  Do ya feel lucky?  I'm a little grumpy today.  I would strongly encourage all of you NOT to write a post about being happy-Satan comes at you with both barrels.  So I had alot of circumstances yesterday that were not fun.  Most of them are still in place today.  I have to remind myself that life means there will always be SOMETHING.  The kids will misbehave, crisis will strike, something will break, someone will not treat me like I want to be treated and on and on and on.  Woe unto those whose happiness is strictly circumstantial. 

So, my overall mood is grumpy.  I have too much to do and no desire to do it.  My motivation to do things is very low because of how quickly things get undone.  I am annoyed with the behaviors of many in my household.  I continue to exercise like a hamster in a wheel....with the same result as that hamster (Ever notice how chubby they are?).  However, I am happy.  I have made up my mind to be.  I am content with what I have, who I am, who my children are, who I am married to and all of the other stuff that makes up my journey.  It's a good feeling.

Now, push off and walk away.  Remember, I'm grumpy and this is the last day for a long time that I get to be slothful.  A sluggard.  Beware the sluggard.  RAWR!!

1 comment:

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

A few hours to blog hop tonight....Love it!
Hope you will stop by for a visit...I am giving away another copy of In a Heartbeat on Monday night...
Happy Sunday