Thursday, March 05, 2009

Oh What a Beautiful Morning...

Oh what a beautiful day!! Is it just me or are the days longer, the coffee tastier, the pancakes fluffier, the kitties snugglier, the huband smilier??

There are definite advantages to getting up earlier. I have an inner battle every morning because my cozy covers want me to linger-but I am doing well with this morning thing. It takes one diet coke, one cup of coffee, and a glass of tea plus a shower to get my eyelids past half-mast-but then I'm good. This morning, I put wide awake Lilly on my lap and we read a book together. I propped my eyelids open with toothpicks but it was great.

Off I go, many more "worms" for this big bird to catch.


Ami said...

That's a lotta caffeine!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Welcome to the dark side of early risers. We have cookies.

The Foil Hat said...

Good morning - I haven't been to bed yet (long story). I have nothing but admiration for you morning folks!