My lovely niece, her boyfriend and a delighted Lilly.
- Today is home day and I am thoroughly enjoying it so far. The sewing machine is out so my little industrious sewers can play real sewing. Their mother is "sew impaired" so I am not looked to for instruction. Their knowledge surpassed mine some time ago. Except Lilly, she has not been to sewing camp or quilt camp.
- Strawberries! We only picked two gallon buckets last night but that ends up being quite alot! I worked on them for a long time last night and I am still not done. During my hour I enjoyed a few and they are quite delicious! Small and sweet. Scrumpdillyicious. As an added bonus, I enjoyed catching up with a good friend I don't see very often while I picked.
- Cherries! I bought a few of these at the grocery and I must confess I LOVE cherries. We are thinking of getting a tree. So yummy. My mom has a tree and my girls check it when they go for a visit.
- Blueberries-can't wait to pick some in a couple of weeks!! I love frozen blueberries! They are like the best popsicle in the world. I lay them out on a flat tray and let them freeze. Then I put them in a freezer bag after they are individually frozen. We just eat them out of the bag like that for a snack. YUM!
- Blackberries. I can't wait for them to come in. We have already scoped out some prime time picking places on the way to mom's-plus she even has some growing wild on the edge of her yard. I planted some a year ago but it will be a while before they produce any berries.
- There are so many exciting things going on this weekend!! Including my children going to camp. I am looking forward to some time off from referee-ing.
- My mom has decided she does not need me to come every day and change her dressing. I disagree but I will give in to her wishes. She is bothered by the fact that gas is so high and I am driving over every day. It will be nice not to have to go every day but we will still go fairly often I am sure. I am still the only one of the children willing to help my stepfather shave.
- Our kittens are ready to give away. I hope we find them good homes. They are so adorable. That's when you know they are ready-when they are so cute you can watch them for hours!! Gray Gray will go to the vet as soon as her milk dries up and she WILL get fixed. (I'm willing to fight you on it Hubby!! Don't make me have to. If I have to pull this van over, you will be sorry young man.)
- Hubby ordered us a new washer. At first I was mad because I wanted to find a good used one for cheap. Now, I am just glad he just did it. It will be easier and faster. This Friday I will be hooked up. We are less behind on laundry than usual-should be right about usual come Friday.
- My nephew is getting married this month. Their shower is Sunday. I am so happy for them. They are the cutest couple.
- The diet/lifestyle without carbs except once a day is still going well. I lost one more pound this week which puts me at -16 pounds. Can you say plateau? Oh well-I feel so much better I don't care.
- Summer is here and I couldn't be happier. It is a really busy time as we will do lots of stuff-but we will also have lazy days where we do whatever we feel like so that will be FUN! I don't love the hot-but I love the freedom!
I am now getting off the 'pooter, I have lots of laziness/freedom to enjoy today. Tomorrow I will be running my butt off, so for today I will savor not having to go anywhere until tonight.
Where do you pick blueberries?
I so love strawberries this time of year.
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