Sunday, January 27, 2008


And I don't mean for dinner. I suppose I should 'fess up. I am about 2-3 weeks late and since I've only been late three times, I am especially freaked out. My tubes were tied about 6 months after Lilly was born. Erik is giddy at the prospect, I am not. I took a pregnancy test which was negative. I know that does not really mean anything-since I had a false negative with Erika. However, I am not gonna go out and buy 4 more. (At least I am gonna try not to) I am concerned it is something much more serious-or maybe it is just the beginning of a more irregular cycle and is nothing serious.

Soooo, there is reason for the lack of bounce in my step and the somewhat comatose behavior. I am scared, plain and simple. (That prayer in your office was earnest Steph. R!) VERY scared. God has over-rode every other form of birth control I have ever used-but this felt permanent. My biggest fear of all is that I could not have a healthy pregnancy with my tubes tied. A tubal pregnancy would be devastating in every way.

I would appreciate your prayers. I have a Dr. appt. on Feb. 9th. I turn 36 on Feb.3. This is gonna be a tough two weeks.

AUNT FLO AUNT FLO-I miss you!!


Stephanie said...

oooooohhhhh, Janice! Been there. I will offer "open-ended" prayers on your behalf, since what God has in mind is always best! I'm sure all is well and will pray for that to be the case "either way"!

Mia said...

(((hugs))) oh dear friend, I am praying for any and all outcomes! Call me!!!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Try not to worry. It's probably just a quirk in your cycle. It happens...ah hem...when you start to get older. :)

Jen said...

Our little surprise has been the best gift so far. HUgs dear.....kind of funny, you blogging about this, after you read my blog you'll understand why!!! Anywhooooo, keep us posted, as I know you will.....

Jason, as himself said...

Whoa. I'm sure that you believe whatever happens is God's will. But, I can see how you would be nervous and yes, scared. For your peace of mind, I hope our friend hulagirl is right. . . you old woman you. (I'm turning 39 this week.)

Ami said...

I'm waaaay older than you are. Since having children, my cycles have been a little wacky, including being up to three weeks late.

Before children, I sometimes skipped a month, or even two. I was 5 months pg the first time before I figured it out.

I'm guessing it's a cycle change, it's really not that common to have a pregnancy after tubal ligation.

But if you have any tenderness in those areas, do go get checked, because a tubal pregnancy is not something you want to have happen. It's serious.

Sending good thoughts!