Thursday, December 06, 2007


Oddly, that word can also be spelled catsup. This is a spelling that really bothers me as I am a cat lover and cat soup is more than a little off-putting.

  • We have a lovely 7 1/2 foot tree "relaxing" in a stand in our living room. While we were hard pressed to get it on hubby's day off, we are not sure when decorating will take place. IT is the most beautiful tree we have ever had, IMHO. It has nice smooth soft needles as opposed to the sharp, rash-producing needles we have had before. I believe it is called a Frasier, so it makes perfect sense that I love it. It did not come from a farm-the closest farm-over one hour away-could not guarantee me they woul have a 6 foot tree. Hardly sounds worth the drive. We bought this one from a charity. Win-win. (please ignore the laundry in the hall-we keep it there for decoration)

  • Mia got her groove-I mean blog-back. Go over and see her. Especially since she brags on me ( a bit-because of my generous in-laws) and also links me.

  • I was browsing around at the library looking for a good movie or two when I happened upon Gilmore Girls-the series. Now Stephanie is a big fan of this show, so since she and I have a few things in common-I figured I might like it too. I LOVE IT. IT reminds me of 24 in that I wonder-"HOW DID I MISS THIS SHOW??" I am on Disc 3 of season 1 and I love it.

  • Today had been a perfect day. My kids are competing for a date with me. They get stickers for good behavior and doing chore things without being asked. This morning I was awakened by the phone-not fighting. HALLELUJAH!! All 3 had already had their cereal and were half-way through their schoolwork for the day-at 8:45!!! HALLELUJAH! They are having a short recess and then, even if it all falls apart and becomes a horrid day, I have had a delightful morning. Stickers have been earned, Mom has enjoyed quiet AND solitude, and life is good.

  • Last thing-responses to Drinkenstein have been overwhelming, NOT!! So go to you-tube and enjoy the song-the lip synch doesn't match up-this movie is old. I think you will recognize the "Sly" singer and YES, that really is him singing. I'm nothing if not informative.


Sandy said...

I love fir trees! And I am very disappointed that I cannot see the laundry in your hallway because I was so going to emphathize with you. My boys do not understand that dirty laundry does not go in the hall floor. I am pretty sure I am working against some male genetic trait in my attempts to have them put it in a basket.

Anonymous said...

you know I love the Gilmore Girls. Been watching since the first show. I am so sad they took it off!! Let me know when I can tell you everything:)
I thought laundry was supposed to be in the floor.
I told you not to watch Jack Frost. You should have gone with Elf....we liked kicking and screaming too, a little. Christmas Vacation is one of our favs...of course!
be on the look out for me...I could drop by.......really.
I have to totally pay you back, what time does K cook in the a.m. J and I may drop bye:)
Hi Mia...glad you are back, I bought my snowman purse/wallet too!!
cya'll later
Oh, are you all coming to gbread house deco?? See ya there
Heather the stalker