Monday, December 31, 2007

Back to School (And a RANT)

Even though it is a bit early, we started back to school. The moans and groans were loud. The screaming and ultimatums from me were louder. I win. I knew it would be like this. Slothville is a hard place to leave. I am doing lesson plans for my English and science classes. (Boo Hiss) I am trying to come up with some sort of syllabus that actually fits in with where these fine young men are and also include some writing instruction that will get them going in the right direction for next year. I love it so much, I took a break to blog a while. I am trying to incorporate some real hands-on stuff and physical learning into our grammar. This is how boys learn best. It is like finding a needle in a haystack. So far I have a play and parts of speech charades. Not exactly what I was looking for, but we shall see how they go over.

Our homefront schooling is going to be tweaked as well. We focus so heavily on our co-op homework that Math often gets edged out. This is not an acceptable thing. We have done sort of ok on the break-not what I wanted. I am also going to be doing some home grammar because I am not at all pleased with the amount my girls are getting at co-op. So many people just don't think grammar is important. I am not those people. I believe spelling, grammar, math, and science are most important. I am in a co-op with people who emphasize much more literature, writing and history. SOOOO, in order to compromise and be happy, I realize I will have to tweak some of our home activities and live with the co-op emphasis. Because, as I have mentioned many times before, I LOVE co-op, it keeps me sane.

The New Year's Eve Eve party last night at church was a blast for my kiddos. For some reason, I was not in a party place so I did not have a big time. Perhaps it was my visit to the funeral home before to see a friend who is my age whose father died. I dislike thinking about the passing of mine or Erik's parents. Going to a funeral of a friend's parent makes me think about the inevitable. My in-laws rode with me to the funeral home and it made me think about what wonderful blessings they are to us. I have many friends who have already lost one or both of their parents, it scares me a bit. Especially with all the close calls we have had this year. Oh yeah and my mom called just before I left for the funeral home to tell me my stepfather was in the hospital. He will be home today and they are not sure what happened-he passed out and they don't know why. So anyway, not in a party place. Also, it was a talent show and that is not my favorite setting. I dislike performances of most any type. I don't know why. It makes me anxious that someone might not do well and then feel bad. Or that they will do really well and be obnoxious. Anyhoo, I was a dud at the party but my girls(and my adopted one from next door) had a ball. They loved it so much it made up for my unpartylikeness.

Tonight I have a date with my husband to go to an art showing. Wine, cheeses and stuffy pretentious people. Some day I am so gonna pay him back with political parties featuring the same snooty sort of folks.

This reminds me, as I am standing around chatting with some of my favorite people, I discover they are liberal democrats. YIKES. I don't think they really are. I live in a state of denial though, I don't think any informed person can possibly be a liberal. I am one of the most compassionate people you will ever meet, but I don't want the government to be. I want the government to be all about infrastructure and leave all the charity stuff in the churches and charities where it belongs. The government sucks at charity work. It is the most abused program in the entire US of A. I believe if we all had to go and pay our taxes and not have them automatically "taken out", there would be an outcry for tax reform so loud the whole country would get off their butts and vote some career "tax-happy" politicians(Republicans AND Democrats) out of office forever. Liberal does not mean what the media says it does, it simply means "bigger government", more governmental control over the people. To listen to the media, one would think conservative means someone who doesn't care about the poor, minorities, homeless, etc. That really burns my butt. Liberal means you think the government needs more tax money to be redistributed to help the less fortunate. Conservative says, tighten up your belt and manage the money you already have better. OOHH!! I've started a whole other post. For another year. ( : HOWEVER, I don't believe there is anyone in this whole country-Republican, Independent, Libetarian or Democrat-who could possibly believe that what our government needs is MORE of our money.


Hula Girl at Heart said...

"Slothville is a hard place to leave" true. So is pajama-ville on a cold, blustery day. Or recliner-ville....or book and a blanket-ville...

Jason, as himself said...

So some of your favorite people are liberal democrats, eh? Imagine that. Some of my favorite people are conservative republicans! :)

Just a couple bumper sticker quotes to put some cheer into your day: "Friends don't let friends vote republican." And "Re-elect Gore 2008."

On another note, homeschooling seems very challenging. Especially if your teacher makes you go back to school on New Year's Eve!

Happy New Year, Janice! :)

Jen said...

I also have to ignore that some of my favorite people are liberal dem's too (my grandpa, being the top one)(he thinks Clinton was a great pres.....gag!!).......denial can be a good place....HA!!!

And I completely agree that the last thing our government needs is more money.........

Happy NEW Year!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to say this, and I'm so sorry because I try never to comment on political issues, but the Repubs were in charge for 10 of the last 12 years. How's did that small government work out for you?