Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Random and Odd
  • Yesterday was spent at the eye doctor. I was pretty sure I had pink eye and also thought I would kill two birds with one stone and have Lilly tested for strabismus(lazy eye) as her doctor requested at last check up. I went somewhere different than normal and we will not make that mistake again. It is very well-known chain that has several doctors on staff which made me think it would all go smooth and quick. After our exams, 2 1/2 hours total time logged in, they were ready to dilate my 6 year olds eyes for another exam. In the last 45 minutes of waiting, I would have consented to her eyes being dilated while we waited. However, knowing that it takes even more time to allow dilating to take place after so long waiting, I declined and then had to sign a waiver saying I was a bad mom that did not care about the health of my child's eyes even a little bit. (slight exaggeration) It was 12:30 and we were hungry. We had also already accomplished what we came for. She does not have strabismus after a very thorough exam for it. I have a severe case of pink eye that is light sensitive. I have an antibiotic but I am still considering gouging it out, as it offends me. On a positive note, my children were excellently behaved until the last 15 minutes when we were all hi-jacked by our gnawing stomachs.

  • Trunk or treat at my church was alot of fun. We have three kids worth of candy and I will not be weighing for at least a week after the last morsel has been thrown away or eaten. Before candy came to town, I had been doing real well. I really like candy. Especially little tiny candy bars.

  • We celebrated Oktoberfest with friends from church and it was delightful. I loved every minute of it. I even drank German beer which is a stretch for me. I tried to drink enough so my eye would not hurt so stinkin' much. It was mildly effective. Other friends brought a Wii. Wii's are totally cool!!

  • I hate the pendulum of school work. We had about two glorious weeks of school where things went well. Assignments were done, attitudes were good, smiles were present. Now the pendulum has swung the other way. Assignments are grueling. Attitudes are bad and smiles have flown away with the monarchs. Argh!! I vow to appreciate the next round of smiles and good attitudes more.

  • I don't have a menu made out for this week and it is not good. This will have to be done today. We need all the sanity we can get around here.

  • Our momma cat remains unfixed because I don't feel like messing with it. That is bad.

  • I am going on a youth retreat this weekend with my oldest child. I still do not have childcare all firmed up. I hope to accomplish that really soon lest my head explode.

  • There is so much more I could blog about, but right now I must go and gouge my eye out for it offends me still.

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