Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm tired

Which means, random and odd.
  • My cat is now ready to be fixed. Her babies are gone, her milk dried up. Now taking bets on whether I can get her butt to the vet before she gets her butt outside. Let the games begin.
  • My new club has become the stuff dreams are made of, nightmares that is. Apparently the devil doesn't like Christian clubs so he is trying with all his might to destroy this one. It has been one conflict after another and reminds me of that time I worked in a business office full of women. We affectionately call it the HELL year. The difference, of course, is that the keepers club women are all wonderful. We just aren't meshing and it makes me sad. We seem to all have a difference of opinion on the direction we should go in. AND, we are all right.
  • Co-op has a week off and it comes at a good time. I bet co-op wasn't much fun in its early years and I am so thankful to be a part of something already established!! WOOHOO! Thanks Sandy for letting me in!!
  • Pioneer woman has a wonderful saga all about how she met her husband and it is fabulosa. The segments are too short and they drive me crazy, but I am hooked completely by "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels".
  • My knee is healing nicely and all the boys in my class were impressed with my battle scar. The chiropractor has Erik lined back up at last. Estes brothers rock!
  • Bible Study this morning and I haven't done one drop of it. I have done my Setting Captives Free Bible study though. It is all about overcoming food addictions. Hopefully my shrinking body will indicate how that is going.
  • AND now in the too much information segment, and endorsement. K-Y liquid is the stuff dreams are made of. Wonderful passionate dreams.


Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your blog. We all need to laugh about weight....I do.
Pam 'Oh Da Woods

Stephanie said...

S W T M I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously! WAY TOO MUCH Information!!!! :)