Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Random and Odd

*My mom is doing a little better, but they keep finding more things wrong. Gallstones, liver function is impaired. They waver back and forth on the valve issue. They have finally just ordered another test. My stepfather is 83 and my mom is 63. He is pitiful and he just wants her back home. Today is almost a week in the hospital. Oldest sis seems to be allowing herself some rest. A week is a long time.

*I woke up excited to blog and then remembered it is Tuesday. Weigh in. I am completely unchanged and I tried this week with the food stuff. I should move some more. I don't know why I resist exercise, it makes me feel better.

*Tobilicious Toby STINKS!! He has for too many days. We suppose he is munching on a carcass somewhere and we cannot understand. He gets good food and we feed him twice a day. He rewards us with stinky mcstink and it just ain't right. He is also covered with ticks despite the $17 I spent on Revolution flea and tick killer that also deworms and is a heartworm preventative. I think I may complain now that I finally have some time.

*Thought of MIA as we strolled around the dollar tree yesterday. It was fun. The big girls spent their hard earned ivy money on worthless crap, I mean treasures.

*I mowed the entire yard yesterday except a tiny portion of the hill that I could not. Apparently this is because one of the tires on the mower was almost flat. I did not even think about that. It did not look flat, but when I pushed on it with my shoe, it was mostly flat. I am hoping to till the garden this week as well. I harvested six squash and nine zucchini. I wasn't sure they were gonna produce. I've been wrong before. We have some weeds that just seem to get stronger and more numerous when we pull them. I think I'm getting out the round-up. IT stormed and rained last night!! YEAH!! We really needed it.

*I am reading Blue Shoe by Anne Lamott and I am pretty sure I will be reading the rest of her books soon.

Busy day ahead. I am not well planned for it and should have had my shower already. Going now. Have a lovely weigh-in day.


Denise said...

Hang in there sweet one, you will do better.

Nancy Murphree Davis said...

I love Anne Lamott and covet your garden. Tell us how you plan to cook the zucchini. Have a good week!

Mia said...

Worthless crap?! at the Dollar Tree? Surely you jest! If I didn't think you were the best thing since sliced bread I would be offened : )sorry we missed the $1 movie, Tuesday is a very BUSY day for me.
Still praying for your Mom.

Robin said...

Oh - sounds like you have had quite the week. Good luck this week - today is a new day!

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

Don't give up, you can do it. Good luck this week!!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

The exercise guru in me is going to make you a deal because I love to get people moving, and you want to move. If you promise to take a brisk 30 minute walk five times a week for the next two weeks, I'll send you a Dollar Tree gift card. Repeat after me: I will not feel guilty for spending time on me today. I will not feel guilty for spending time on me today....

Mia said...

hey hulagirl...I will take some of that action! heehee For a Dollar Tree gift card I might even take those walks in my "Chubby Girl Swimsuit With a Skirt"

jettybetty said...

Glad your mom is better!

I thought I had read all of Anne Lamott's stuff, but I don't remember Blue Shoe--will have to look for that one!