Friday, April 27, 2007

Thank you!

Frist off, thanks to any of you who were praying for me. I have had a calmness that must be coming from God because if left to my own devices, I just stress out and play spider solitaire while the world crumbles around me. I have accomplished much and this time next week, I should be all through my entire list. Of course there will be a whole new one, but that is another post.

I have had two wonderful blessings since last post.

Last night one of my good friends treated me to "Spring Fling" at a local church. I went into there not recognizing the speakers name. She was awesome and my eyes are wide open about communicating with my fella. I am still amazed at the horrible awful things I have been doing to my husbands sense of well being and I DID NOT EVEN KNOW IT!!! I consider myself to be very enlightened about relationships-I have read many self-help books, we have been to a total of 4 marriage counselors over the years and have took many a "marriage inventory" and such. What I realized after last nights speaker is I have done everything I can to be exactly "what I wanted" in a mate. Loving, thoughtful, considerate, helpful and all the things we want our husband to be. Now after hearing Shaunti Feldhahn, I realize I have been direspecting my husband several times a day and this is his most dominant need-to be respected. Of course, I do respect my husband, a great deal, but I disrespect him in so many small ways I bet he doesn't think so. I am so thankful to have been there to hear her talk, and now to be an owner of a life-changing book, For Women Only, what you need to know about the inner lives of men. I highly recommend it. After sitting through that seminar, I had tears in my eyes because it is so unfair how little press our men get on what their needs really are. We all know they need s*x, but did we know it isn't the s*x near as much as it is needing us "to have the desire to have s*x with them"?? So just "being willing" doesn't even come close to filling their need. I am just so ashamed of being so clueless. What a blessing and just in time, my heart was soft and I am really convicted that I have not been a great helpmeet anyway. As usual, God's timing is great.

My second blessing is really exciting to me and this will ensure to most of you that I am weird. (As if you didn't know already. ) One of my friends was showing me her church grounds for a possible picnic location(that ends up not working out) and I noticed this cooler of whole grains in little baggies. She goes on to tell me that they have a food pantry that their members (and me as a friend of a member!) shop from since most of them are vegetarian, organic food consumers. I am no vegetarian, but I am delighted to find a place to get organic dried fruit, nuts and whole grain flour. I have such a great stash of healthy snacks now. Carob covered almonds!!! Dried peaches and apples. Almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc. I am so happy. YUM!!

1 comment:

Mia said...

WOW! what a helpful, thoughtful, kind, and exceptional friend you have and did I mention outrageously beautiful? yeah that too