Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Countdown to cookies being over...

Just made a bank run. I had over three thousand dollars to deposit. I hate my job. I have been a nervous wreck for two days and I am glad to have it safely in the bank. I still have some paperwork to do, a cashier's check must be procured and sent to our service unit, we are doing a booth sale tonight at our local grocery...fun times. Luckily, this will all be done well before departure day.

My whole living room is a mass of clothes and so I cannot tarry on this site. I must sort through the madness and also get ready for co-op tomorrow.

To quote Veggie Tales:

"I'm busy, busy. Shockingly busy. You've no idea what I have to do. Busy, busy, dreadfully busy. Much, much too busy for you."

Kiss kiss, we'll talk later.


jettybetty said...

Sounds like ya'll did great on the cookie sales this year!!! Here's to slower times now!

summer said...

hey, we are looking forward to your visit. now you guys will be here sunday night or monday night. how long will you be staying? i am only asking so we can plan our spring break trip. it has to be that weeks sometime. so what do you think?

Lesli said...

I want to see you too!! Let me know when you will be in. We'll just pop over to Summer's! (We're good at that!!)