It's getting colder...
This is both a song my husband's band sings and also a weather forecast for our neck of the woods. It is quite chilly and I would not be shocked if snow started. One of my favorite things about KY is that we get it all-moderately. Our winters are very cold but also, unseasonably warm many days as well. We usually get a really good snowman building snow once or twice. That really good snow shuts our towns down. Northerners would laugh at what we close down over. All of our other seasons are very distinct as well. I have visited many other states, but I have not ever liked another one better than home.
Although, I do have alot of friends in Texas!! Let me warn you, we are heading that way in the spring so you better look out!! Hubby hasn't agreed to it yet, but if I compromise with a stop in Austin, somehow we should be able to make a compromise.
Today was the last day of my Beth Moore Bible study, "Daniel". I have to say I really liked the first part of this study-AWESOME!!! The second half though, I just could not internalize it. The lessons and broadcasts still resonated with me, but not on the same level. Perhaps because this was meant to be a "learning" Bible study not a personal Bible study. Revelations has always made my eyes glaze over and my head ache-so it isn't any wonder this study kind of did the same. I still highly recommend it though, especially if you have lots of questions about the end times. She does a very thorough account that is all backed in scripture. The first half will knock your socks off. I will never again hear the story of Daniel the same way ever again!!
I'm originally from Minnesota and they don't close anything down until there over a foot of snow !
It is funny here in Ky. how people literally freek out if there's even the threat of snow then once we get it people stay indoors even if there's only an inch of snow.
I am getting ready for you here in TX!!!
I LOVED the first part of Beth Moore's Daniel study--I just don't get prophecy so I am still pretty glazed on the last half. It's still a GREAT study!
Really? I've been looking for more information on Daniel and Revelation. It's hard for me to ready and I need something to help me study it. I don't like what I am reading right now. But I love Beth Moore!! I didn't know she had a study on Daniel, (but then, I didn't look, either!) =)
So you would definitely recommend it, then??
Really? I've been looking for more information on Daniel and Revelation. It's hard for me to ready and I need something to help me study it. I don't like what I am reading right now. But I love Beth Moore!! I didn't know she had a study on Daniel, (but then, I didn't look, either!) =)
So you would definitely recommend it, then??
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