Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Day Late...

The pox have come to play, the pox have come to play. Hi-ho-the-dairy-o, the pox have come to play.

Chicken pox have been spotted(hee hee) around the scalp and upon the back of Lilly. She is grinning and has no idea what she is in for. We are so happy to have poxage instead of a mutant child who cannot get them. Now I am off to call the doc about some sort of medicine that makes them not "as bad".

Also, I have posted my blog on Miss Zoot so maybe the whole world will know there are weird people who expose their children to the pox instead of getting shots. I am doing my part to support life-long immunity instead of a lifetime of boosters.

We are unplugging from life for a while and enjoying the land of quarantine...unless you want to invite the pox over to visit your house too!! We will be most contagious for the next two days.

Why am I so happy?? I love a successful experiment!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband doesn't want us to get our baby vaccinated against chicken pox. I don't know. "He says they don't really know if they'll stop them, then if they get them as an adult, it's way worse, so they might as well get them as kids." He does have a point. We had an outbreak in the elementary school and all the kids who got them had the shot!!! I just don't understand.