Monday, May 11, 2009

Deep Thoughts by Janjanmom

  • If forgiveness offers us freedom, why do we hesitate to give it? Logically, with-holding it only damages us. Yet it still is so very hard to give to so many.
  • I thought being a mom was really cool and fun until extra hormones entered our life. Now it is tough on a good day and tear jerking on a bad day.
  • FIREPROOF, the movie made me cry. ALOT. Marriage is so hard. I highly recommend the movie, but be prepared for some raw emotions no matter the condition of your marriage.
  • I am in the midst of massively de-cluttering our bookshelves. The PAIN is immense. I am a bibliophile to the core. Thankfully, I can visit the library as much as I want. Just walking in the door evokes a strong sense of calm.
  • My list of things to do is shorter today...but not fun-size yet.
  • My hubby called to interrupt my library fun today. Twice. Once to tell me he had my YARD-SALE-just-like-new-but-only-cost-$75 dishwasher installed. Secondly to tell me lunch was already prepared whenever we were ready to come home. I do love my hubby. Some men call to nag their wives.
  • Our target last day of school date is June3rd. WOW! That is soooooo soon and yet sooooo far away.

1 comment:

Becky K. said...

We are 10 days away from completing our school year!

I have not seen Fireproof yet. Movies that make you cry are not my first choice...but I do love all of the films produced by this church.