The tests are finished and graded.
Portfolios are completed and handed back.
Grades are averaged and reports cards finished.
Last night, our entire co-op(minus two part-timers who did not make co-op the priority they should have-heehee) skipped church (and ironically the blessing, as we are a Christian co-op) and headed to a local pizza joint to celebrate together the end of the year. Normally this co-op concludes with an elaborate banquet or some other grand finale, but this year we had no energy left for anything more than a nice meal together that someone else cooked. Plus the Passover Seder that we did after spring semester was enough for the year!!(It WAS AWESOME, but also long and required alot of work and planning!)
So last night we visited, laughed, ate lots of pizza, pasta and salad and then presented each child with his/her report card. It was so much fun. Oh and in between the two things there was much token buying, game playing and dorky prizes including some excellent disappearing ink.
It was a fun night and we all enjoyed it very much knowing that our co-op responsibilities are complete. It was bittersweet for us as we are not coming back, but they will still be there if after our year off if I find I just can't cope on my own. (So many people doubt my ability to homeschool my children without co-op. IT makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside-NOT) Monday, we start Mom's fun school to finish up the year where we catch up on many things but mostly focused on math, Bible and grammar.
Well, maybe not the ENTIRE co-op, as Kevin and I have church responsibilities that don't enable us to "skip out"!
Glad you have fun without us!
"questioning your ability to homeschool"?? them's fightin' words!! I think you will be just fine. I think you will find your niche' and hopefully be just a little more relaxed? LOL!
oh, you are sooooo funny!
We prioritied co-op right behind Wednesday night church, but right before cooking dinner. I think that's a good place to keep it!
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