Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bitterly Cold

Oy with the poodles already!! (I am still working my way through Gilmore Girls-up to season 3 now!) IT is COLD here. As I type cold, I realize that I want it to be a purple-ish blue color with icicles on it-so you get the picture. Now I also hasten to add, we are wimpy about cold weather in KY. It is only in the teens. There is spitting snow-but nothing of substance. It is just that we are so spoiled to moderate winters that when a cold snap blows through, we remember why we keep a heavy winter coat. At least 2 or 3 weeks(not all in a row either-alternating with 40-50 degree days) a winter, we NEED it. I am thankful we have good cold winter bursts because:

  • The mosquitoes and fleas would be worse in summer.
  • We spend more time in prayer.
  • We appreciate, love in fact, the warm spurts all the more after a cold spell.
  • Of course, something to blog about.
  • No parking lot chatting. (oh wait-I don't like that)
  • I, the queen of "GO!" hole up in my home and semi-hibernate.
  • We obtain pity from Californians who erroneously compare us to real cold weather.
  • We have lots of scarves.
  • We become a very cuddly, snuggly family.
  • School work gets done in a timely manner with minimal complaints.
  • The dog does not come home with muddy paws-WOOHOO! (We are considering mutlucks .)
  • I catch up on many episodes of Gilmore Girls.


Stephanie said...

ohhhhh, I get very "Lorelai-ish" when it starts to snow! I LOVE SNOW and I LOVE GILMORE GIRLS! Enjoy your snuggle time!

Mia said...

"no parking lot chatting" : (
I am up to season 3 of That 70's Show, I know I am a bad girl.
Come on Spring!!!!!

Sara said...

Are you kidding me? This is REAL cold weather for this Texas girl! I would never make it in the North.