Monday, October 15, 2007

Cook Fest!

Saturday night I had a cook fest. I made a couple of lunch meals for a family introducing #3 into the world and froze them. (I also begged a teen that lives near them to deliver them for me last night and he happily agreed.) I made some soup for my mom without sodium that I will deliver sometime this week. I made homemade potato salad for care group and I also made some stew for tonight's meal at our humble abode. I started this day without the weight of supper on my shoulders and I have accomplished alot while the stew is heating up in a crock-pot.

I love to cook. I just hate to cook under pressure. I'm no "pressure cooker". Cooking is a balm for me. It takes my mind off eating(believe it or not) and is a big stress buster. I love to go into my kitchen and just create. I am going to sit down at some point today and plan our meals for the month. If I can lift the burden of last minute crazy prep for supper, it will relieve alot of stress for me.

I am steadily working through laundry today in conjunction with school. I am also "feasting on the word" listening to the Bible on CD. It is a good day.


Mia said...

You make me smile! : ) Its the things that Christians do that no one else knows about that make the world go round. Now I wash dishes to relieve stress...we may be on to something here.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

You do all this and feel inadequate in some ways (per your previous post)? I think you're a wonderful woman, Christian, mother etc... Chalk your worries up to a little mid-life anxiety and buy yourself a convertible, girlfriend. You deserve it.