Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I am listening to the glorious sound of my husband doing music with Lilly. This is glorious because I hate practicing with her. She knows more than I do about it and I am constantly telling her something wrong, apologizing and encouraging. It is really hard to "teach" that which you do not know. Anyway, it is wonderful when he comes through for me and rescues me from music class. He also made me coffee. ( :

I made it through yesterday. Two valentine's parties. The homeschool one was wonderful. I only had to help with set-up this year and really, that was mostly done when I got there. I was able to visit with some other moms while my kids had a blast. Fun for everyone. The girls scout party was fun too. My scavenger hunt was a little on the hard side, but better too hard than too easy. It was fun to put it al together after planning. They had voted to watch a movie, but ended up wanting to play sardines instead. We ate, did a scavenger hunt, played sardines, watched 10 mins of Chronicles of Narnia(which everyone had seen-this was not the movie I had chosen but "A Wrinkle in Time" lasts 2:08 and we only had 1:45 so we made alternate plans), drank non-alcoholic strawberry daquiris, decorated cookies, played sardines again and then finalied with painting fingernails. I was not frustrated or irritable and therefore it was a fun night for all. I give God full credit for that. I am praying non-stop to be less stressed, less irritable, and generally more fun with my kids (and husband). Without him pulling me through, I would not have made it.

I have requested conversations with hubby on resolving some of our home/relationship issues. I hope something happens soon. I am also praying we can actually have a discussion without having a fight. Yet again I am frustrated with people who choose divorce! Empathetic, but angered. Like it is easy for the rest of us?? Marriage is so hard and frustrating. Pray for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep persevering, sister! It will pay off in the long run. It may even pay off in the short run. I know that God can give you peace in the midst of the trial- look for Him in it. I'll be praying for you.