Friday, February 09, 2007

God gave me a word from a total stranger today and I am sobbing. if you dare. I am not naming names but I could so have written this.

I think I have been wearing a "terrible parent" label lately. Thank you God for new mercies every morning...or hour...or minute depending on the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...'s me, the "stranger"...but somehow your friend in the blogosphere. I don't know how you found my link to this post, but I hope it encouraged you. "This too shall pass" and in the meantime, open your heart...your what God intends to teach you through the lives of your children. He desires brokenness, because it is in that state that He can begin an amazing work in you (and me).

I'm praying for you...

~ Robin aka Pensieve aka Stranger :)