Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Spelling bee went well. Kids were pleased with how they did and are willing to do it again next year. They did not win or even place, but I was proud of them for standing up there and spelling. I was also proud that my oldest did not cry when she sat down-she is easily emotional at times like that. I came in second in the adult group. Our accountant (which for us means he does our taxes once a year) won. We had extremely hard vocabulary building words I had never heard of. I spelled a word right that I had never heard of. Jeremy earned his first place! I got $4 for winning second place so that was kind of neat. I did not know there was any cash at all involved in winning so it was a nice perk.

There was a news story last night that one of the high school teachers in OUR community school is on administrative leave for being in an adult film. I am sent little affirmations from God everyday for our homeschooling. I love everything about it, even on the bad days.

My cat seems relieved her kittens are gone. She snuggled up right beside me on the bed last night. When her boobs dry up, we will get her fixed.

Today is a stay-at-home day. I will be getting some housework done I hope...or maybe I will finsh the book I started...clean woman, clean!!!!!


heartsjoy said...

Lol, it is so hard to want to clean when there are other things you want to do. HOwever, I'm glad you get a day home.

Congratulations on the spelling bee for you and your kids!!! I agree, kids finishing and not crying is great! And look at you...finishing 2nd!! Great job!

I agree, love homeschooling!

Susie said...

Your oldest did better than I did. I cried when I took 2nd place. ; )

jettybetty said...

Spelling bees are great! Sounds like you all did well!

Hope your house is shining!

Jessica said...

A family spelling bee... that is great! My husband would kick my butt and I'm the one with two master;s degrees.

Julie Anne said...

Hi Janice!

I'm back blogging again and I've even done some fancy stuff to my blog (fancy for ME, ok) . . . check out the *new and improved* version when ya get the chance . . .
