Monday, April 18, 2011

Time May Change Me...

...but I can't change time.  Oh my stars, I am learning to prioritize.  Because you know what, you can't do it all.  I am juggling more schedules than Carter's got pills.  Seems like, during my down time, I sort of sit stunned and paralyzed...surely I have something to do today?  No, a free day?  I guess I'll just do a couple loads of laundry and watch Bones.  4 hours later realizing I just wasted time that I should have been using to complete a, b or c.  In addition to all of my responsibilities, I am working as much recreation in with my family as I possibly can.  Because our budget is so challenging, I spend alot of time planning cheap/free activities that align themselves with our interests.  It keeps our calendar full, but it also gives us time, fun and memory building.  AND, only occasionally...a DUD activity.

The end result of all this scheduling...our family is busy when we are busy and delightfully CHILL when we are not.  Somewhere in the midst of that we find that crazy little thing called...balance.

These are our wild and crazy years.  Three kids with schedules, 2 parents with schedules, Grandparents that we are honored and delighted to help...but this too shall pass.  One day when I am kicked back in my rocking chair at the nursing home, I want to savor a busy life filled with family.  That is probably around the same time I finally get around to watching 24  I just hope it ends better than LOST.

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