Thursday, August 23, 2007


I DO NOT want to have a yard sale tomorrow. I think yard sales are not worth the time spent unless you are doing it with other people, then it is fun, fun, fun!! Since ours is so last minute, there isn't anyone to join with for it to be fun. Hubby will be here too and he hates yard sales. However, we have a small house (I think I have mentioned that before) and our garage is overtaken with junk. Our new club is having a yard sale to raise funds, but I would be humiliated to back up the dump truck and unload all these boxes. I want to take 4 or 5 boxes of stuff, not 20.

Hopefully we pare our crap down considerably tomorrow and then I can do round 100 of decluttering and probably come up with another 10 boxes. Come on by if you are local. Brace yourself though, I have finally consented to letting my kiddos vend refreshments.

Off I go to a garage as hot as Hades to price some "STUFF".


Hula Girl at Heart said...

May your customers be many and your boxes be few by the end of the day!

Stephanie said...

And may hagglers be content with your pre-ordained prices as the quarters come rolling in!